A third workshop employing stone moulds for iron casting has recently been found in Huize county, Yunnan province. 最近在云南会泽县发现了第三处石范铸铁作坊。
Through long experience the craft of iron casting, including making the stone moulds, furnace structure, charge composition, mould parching and casting, has reached a high level here. 从石范刻制、熔炉构造、炉料配比到烘范、浇注等工序都相当成熟,表明这项技术经过长期经验积累达到了较高水平。
Traditional statues were most carved in wood or stone or moulded in clay and could hardly ever involve with complicated machining or casting. 传统雕塑因为大多以泥塑木胎工艺和小型木石雕刻为主,而不太会涉及到复杂的机械、铸造等加工制作工艺。